Essentials for Greater Vitality

most services are available either in person or by remote/distant healing options



Assemblage Point Therapy (Wildflower, Whale, SDV, et. al.) - A dislocated assemblage point is often indicated in major physical and psychological concerns, especially when those concerns have not been helped by other methods - whether conventional, holistic, or alternative. Returning the assemblage point to its proper location can (sometimes drastically) improve one's health.

Aura & Chakra Clearing, Healing, & Balancing
 (SDV, Multimodal) - Balance is the key to wellbeing. Keeping the aura fields and chakras clean greatly reduces the risks of damaging ailments and illnesses from manifesting and can also greatly reduce symptoms of already manifested diseases/dis-eases. Options include chakra intensives and cord removal.

Reiki: Condition-Focused Agendas
 (SDV, et. al.) - Condition-focused agendas are primarily for those with long-term and chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, blood pressure issues, fatigue and exhaustion, depression, diabetes, immune system challenges, panic and anxiety disorders, etcetera. [You'll find my outstanding Detoxification - Rejuvenation agenda here as well!] A total of 23 Condition-Focused Agendas to choose from! 


Foundations for Daily Living are designed as stand-alone options and are also great starting points when you've either never experienced holistic energy methods or are new to working with me.

These offers provide you with the flexibility of either single sessions or packages of identical services.


Strategies for Total Transformation are multimodal healing, improvement, and development programs in which you and I will work closely together, in deep and meaningful ways, over a period of weeks or months because real and lasting change, real and lasting solution, takes time and effort.

All Strategies for Total Transformation programs include easy self-help tools and instruction, and suggested resources throughout.

  • Focus / Concentration
  • Enthusiasm
  • Organization
  • Motivation
  • Self-confidence
  • Ability to relax
  • Money
  • Sleep
  • Optimism
  • Creative Ideas / Inspiration
  • Presentation, performance confidence
  • Energy levels and ability to acquire sustained energy levels
  • Ability to think with more clarity
  • Health issues that get in the way of your studies or passion
  • Ability to find and keep a balanced schedule
  • Feelings of stability/grounded-ness

Eastern and Western holistic healing methods date back thousands of years. They are used to realign your body's energy to help your body improve and maintain the dynamic balance of the yin and yang. While it is not yet completely understood how these treatments work, holistic healing methods undeniably produce healing and therapeutic effects when administered properly.*

Holistic and alternative care is becoming as valuable and effective as conventional care. And where necessary, when you combine the two, the benefits of each are exponentially increased.

Holistic and alternative care can greatly improve every day discomforts and issues, and even chronic physical and emotional health challenges that impede you from enjoying life and living it to the fullest. I know from personal experience. And when you work with me, you are approached with the knowledge and understanding that you are a multidimensional being with a body, a mind, and a spirit.

*see Energy Healing for three valuable scientific resources on this topic.


Core4 Holistic Healing™ (Multimodal Programs) -

Core4 Holistic Healing is my proven 4-step system that measurably alleviates or even eliminates issues and conditions that prevent you from living and enjoying life more fully. When used as designed, the Core4 Holistic Healing System changes the way your brain processes physical pain and emotional upset, thereby allowing the entire body to rewire the way it responds to these triggers. It allows the mind-body connections to communicate in new ways so that the body can release conditions and ailments that prevent you from living life on your terms.

Each step along the way is advantageously placed and completed in precise ways throughout your particular program and is highly customized to give you optimal results.

Available programs include strategies for measurably alleviating issues and concerns due to:

  • Chronic Pain and Chronic Pain Syndrome
  • Anxiety & Panic
  • Emotional Trauma

Although I specialize in the areas shown above, if you have a different issue and find conventional care lacking in the results you desire, it is probable I can CUSTOM DESIGN a Core4 Holistic Healing program exclusively for you.


Strategies for Total Transformation


Essentials for Greater Vitality are programs and multimodal services in which you and I will work closely together, perhaps for a couple of hours or over a period of weeks or months. These services go deeper into your systems and often result in longer-lasting effects.

Essentials for Greater Vitality may include easy self-help tools and instruction, and suggested resources where appropriate.


Intuitive Guidance -

Honest, direct, and compassionate insight and clarity to help you successfully manage your way through challenges and change.

Sessions may include aspects of EFT and general energy work where deemed appropriate and necessary.

After-Death Communication -

As an after-death communication specialist (intuitive medium) I use all my physical senses and intuitive/psychic abilities to link with your departed loved ones. These services can bring you a sense of your loved ones and how they continue to support and influence your life today. Connecting with your loved ones in spirit often helps with that all-important closure, often resolving past issues, and, above all, healing.


AntiViral Healing (SDV, Multimodal) - Viruses don't respond to antibiotics. Energy work can stimulate your body's self-healing systems, and often a short series of AntiViral Healing energy is all the body needs to defeat a virus.

Aura & Chakra / Subtle-Body Detox Services - When the subtle bodies are clear and functional, they perform their work completely, process energy properly, bring energy to the physical organs, and remove used, stale, and stagnant energy from the body systems.

Comprehensive Energy Therapy (Multimodal) - CET brings together information and knowledge from over 50 different sutble body systems, plus 20 years of professional experience, into every session and draws on that which is most beneficial for you at the time of your appointment.

Emotional Freedom Technique
 (aka Tapping) - EFT be used to help treat a wide range of physical and psychological conditions, and as a simple form of self-care. Immediate (initial) results are often experienced in the first session!

Reiki Energy Healing - Supports your body's innate healing capacity by realigning your body's energy. This is the primary benefit of reiki energy.

Shamanic Healing - A very deep, profound method of spiritual energy-therapy that can promote health in virtually all aspects of your life. It is predominantly beneficial for problem-solving and personal healing.


Foundations for Daily Living

... then you owe it to yourself and your dreams to explore Care for Creative Minds.

Services under this category are currently being revised and updated. Inclusions and fees currently out of date. Therefore links are temporarily deactived.


The Welcome Series is highly recommended for new and returning clients. This series consists of three 75-minute Comprehensive Energy Therapy sessions, scheduled no more than one week apart. This helps jumpstart your healing processes, helps us get to know each other, and helps both of us determine whether we are a good fit for an ongoing healing partnership.

The Welcome Series is a one-time discounted rate of $270 when paid in full at the start of our first appointment.


Care for Creative Minds™ (Multimodal Programs) -

Care for Creative Minds are designed to specifically address the special needs of this segment of the population. Authors/writers, actors, chefs, bakers, make-up artists, designers, and all other creatives often have deep concerns ranging the gamut.

If you want/need to improve your ...